My sister asked me an interesting question the other day:
If you had a son, would you let him wear a dress to school?
She told me that in one of her classes, they were discussing the ways people are socialized into gender roles when they are young children through things as simple as the colors and style of clothing selected for them. Her professor told the class of a legal case in which a young boy was taken from his parents by Child Protective Services because they let him wear a dress to school.
The situation really had me considering my own actions. No, I don't pretend to live every moment of my life in a deliberate way. I'm sure not everything that I do exemplifies the ideas I support. I constantly listen to and enjoy music, movies, and television shows that I think send narrow messages about who people should be because of whatever physical, mental, or emotional characteristic they possess. But I was actually surprised by how long I considered the question.
Would I let my son wear a dress to school? Hmm... I would hope so. I hope I would ignore the rigid conception of gender that teaches young boys not to 'dress down' but affectionately calls young girls that wear 'boy's clothes' tomboys. Who decided clothing belonged to a gender anyway?
But I sat, reflecting on the question for at least 5 minutes before I claimed "Yes! Of course!" an answer easy to give when I know that I may never have to back it up. Actions may speak louder than words, but I hope my words aren't empty.
Full Movie Minions (2015) HD
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120 Min and released on 2015-07-10 with MPAA rating is 16.
- *Orig...
9 years ago
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